Categorize your work

This survey is part of a research project that we are carrying out between the SCImago group and the University of Extremadura, which tries to assign a scientific category to each paper. Click here to view details of the project.

"Hypertension, antihypertensive medications use and risk of age-related macular degeneration in California Teachers Cohort"

"Journal of Human Hypertension" v. 34 n. 8 p. 568-576

Please choose, whenever possible, one1 category of the ASJC classification2 to which you consider your work belongs. Alternatively, you can choose more than one category.

CategoryWeight (%)

  1. In science today, it is quite normal to use methodologies of different disciplines. Most often however, the work clearly belongs to just one. Only in very exceptional cases can a work be considered as belonging to more than one discipline. In that case, indicate the degree to which the work belongs to each of them, taking into account that the degrees must add to 100. The maximum allowed number of categories is 5.
  2. In our project, we use data from Scopus. Scopus uses the ASJC classification (All Science Journal Classification Codes) to classify journals, where there are multidisciplinary or miscellaneous categories and journals that are assigned to several categories. The objective of the project is to categorize paper by paper, in the same ASJC classification without the multidisciplinary and miscellaneous categories.
  3. Bear in mind that if the work has been published in that journal then the review process that has been followed was oriented to the disciplines of the journal. The categories assigned to the journal are colored in green.
  4. Weights are filled automatically when you select a category.
  5. We you finalize your selection you can personalize weights.